Privacy policy

Privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to the website This is a website for the services offered by Link4Projects , BE 0889.969.357 , Rijksweg 10A - 2880 Bornem.

The website uses cookies. More detailed information on the type of cookies used and their application can be found below. In addition, the website offers the possibility to use a contact form and/or to contact us by e-mail as well as to register for the newsletter or to create an account. This enumeration is not restrictive. Non listed and/or new website applications are also automatically covered by this privacy policy.

1. Collection of data

As a result of using the website, contact details and other services, a number of personal data may be collected. Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter abbreviated as "Data"). The Data can be collected in various ways, not exhaustive, in particular when:

  • You register / create an account on our site
  • You make use of our services
  • You apply for a vacancy
  • You contact us by means of an (online) contact form, e-mail, fax, etc.
  • You subscribe to our newsletter and/or are linked with social media
  • You may participate in surveys

Our company may collect your data directly or obtain it through third parties insofar as you have given your consent.

With regard to data, the following categories may be collected and processed by Link4Projects, not exhaustively:

  • Administrative and contact data e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, language preference. These data are processed in order to correctly identify and contact you.
  • Employment preferences and characteristics e.g. job preference, period and place of employment, educational background, language and computer knowledge, etc. This processing enables us to do job matching and formulate job proposals with a view to possible employment.
  • Contract and employment related data e.g. family composition. In order to draw up correct labour law documents and to comply with legal obligations arising from an employment relationship.
  • Certain technical (e.g. IP address) or general data. This is to gain insight into the functionalities of our website and its use, and for possible marketing strategies, studies and statistics.

Link4Projects will never share the provided and collected personal data with third parties unless you give us your explicit permission to do so or unless it is necessary for the execution of our services (e.g. in the framework of an employment procedure). We would like to emphasise that companies/offices belonging to our company group are not considered as third parties insofar as they process data on behalf of Link4Projects. In certain cases, we have the legal obligation to keep and/or communicate certain personal data about you to governmental and/or judicial authorities e.g. social secretariat, fiscal obligations or as part of a police or judicial investigation.

In addition, our company can call upon subcontractors in order to outsource part of our services to them, such as ICT companies in charge of the maintenance and management of the websites/internal registration systems, legal assistance, social secretariat, marketing agencies, ... We ensure that these subcontractors manage your data with due care and process them in compliance with the law 8/12/92 on the protection of privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679 AVG/GDPR).

The data will be kept as long as we can effectively serve you in accordance with this privacy policy or in accordance with the legally imposed time limits. Of course, you always have the right to invoke your rights as set out in this document.

2. Safety

Link4Projects NV endeavours, within the state of the art, to take all necessary technical, legal and organizational measures to protect provided and collected personal data against destruction, loss, unintentional modification, damage or other unauthorized processing of personal data. To this end, our company uses, among other things, encryption to secure the communication between the server and your computer for certain data. We also use, among other things, firewalls, anti-virus systems and internal password protection for the registration system. The number of staff members who have access to your personal data is also limited to those appointed by the company and to the extent that this is necessary for the performance of their duties. Moreover, the processing will be done in compliance with the Privacy Act 8/12/1992 and the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG/GDPR EU2016/679).

If you register/create an account on our website, this will be secured by means of a log-in and password. We advise you to choose a password that is as strong as possible, not to use the automatic storage option and not to share your password.

3. Rights regarding the data collected

Any person whose details are processed may access, correct, transfer, limit, oppose or delete their personal details in accordance with the provisions of the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation of 26 April 2016 (AVG/GDPR). To this end, they should send a letter with a copy of their identity card to the above-mentioned address, or send an e-mail with the same details to If the answer is not satisfactory and the user believes that his rights in connection with the processing of his personal data are being infringed, he can contact the Supervisory Authority (Data Protection Authority) for current contact details, see

4. Minors and use of the website

 Link4Projects considers the privacy protection of minors very important and encourages parents to be actively involved in the online activities of their children. Our company will not knowingly or intentionally collect personal data from minors through its website. It encourages minors, if they use the website and/or applications and wish to submit their contact details, to inform their parents beforehand and ask them for their opinion. Link4Projects also advises the minor and their parents to read the privacy policy carefully beforehand. For certain requests from underage users, our company may first request the consent of the parents. We reserve the right to ask for the age of the user if necessary, but cannot be held responsible if we do not know that it concerns the personal data of a minor.

5. Cookies

As required by article 129, 1° of the Electronic Communication Act of 13 June 2005, Link4Projects wishes to inform visitors to its websites about the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the hard disk of the computer of website visitors. They contain information such as the language preference of the surfer, so that this information does not have to be re-entered during a subsequent visit to the same website. Some cookies ensure that a website appears graphically neat, others that a website application works correctly. If you do not want a website to place cookies on your computer, you can set your browser accordingly.

Types of cookies that can be used

Cookies can be divided according to their origin, their function and their lifespan.

First party cookies are those cookies placed by a website currently visited by the user (e.g. cookies placed by [website operator]).

Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a different domain name than that of the website visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a third party places a cookie through that Website, then this is a third-party cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Google, Twitter and Facebook).

Functional Cookies are cookies that ensure that the website functions properly (e.g. cookies for log-in or registration, language preferences). Functional cookies are logically first party cookies.

Non-functional cookies are cookies that can be placed for statistical, social, targeting and commercial purposes. They have nothing to do with the mere technical support of the website. Cookies with statistical purposes make it possible to check which pages of the website you visit, where your computer is located etc. Social cookies enable the user to share the content of the visited website directly with others via social media. Cookies with targeting purposes allow to build a profile based on your surfing behaviour, so that the displayed advertisements are tailored to your interests. Cookies with commercial purposes keep track of how many and which advertisements were shown to a user. Non-functional cookies can be first or third party cookies.

Permanent cookies: These cookies remain on the user's device for the duration specified in the cookie. They are activated each time the user visits the website that placed the cookie (e.g. cookies placed by social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics etc). Most non-functional cookies are permanent cookies.

Session cookies: These cookies allow us to simplify and link a user's actions during a browser session. A browser session begins when a user opens the browser window and ends when they close the browser window. Session cookies are placed temporarily. As soon as you close the browser, all session cookies are deleted. Most functional cookies are session cookies.

What cookies does the Link4Projects website use?

In particular, the website uses cookies.

The Link4Projects website provides social media buttons. These give the option to share certain content with the network of the user. These displayed icons only form a link to the provider of the social media in question (e.g. Facebook, Twitter). These may subsequently place cookies.

For any cookies placed by third parties, please refer to the statements made by these parties on their respective websites. Please note that we cannot exert any influence on the content of these statements or on the cookies of these third parties.

How to disable cookies?

As explained above, the use of cookies has a certain purpose. Therefore, please note that if you disable them, certain graphics may not appear nicely or you may not be able to use certain applications.

If you do wish to block cookies, depending on the browser you are using, you can do so as follows:

Internet Explorer:

6. Links to other websites or applications

This website contains links to sites of our partners. Link4Projects cannot guarantee that these websites comply with a privacy policy in accordance with the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation of 26 April 2016 (AVG/GDPR) with regard to the processing of personal data. We therefore advise users to check this for themselves by consulting the privacy clauses that must appear on every website.

7. Amendments

 Link4Projects reserves the right to modify this privacy statement. Any modification will be published on the website. When you use this website, you are automatically bound by the conditions of the (modified) privacy policy. It is therefore recommended that you consult this text regularly when visiting our site.

8. Contact

If, after reading this statement, you still have questions, you can always contact us via or by letter to Link4Projects, Rijksweg 10A - 2880 Bornem.

Last change: 7-6-2018

Privacy Notice

Please use this form if you wish to inspect or correct the data that we manage for you.

You may also request that we delete any data we hold about you.

Please make the choice of the action you want on the right. The field "Additional elements" can be used to request additional elements.
